A little get to know me…My ABC’s of travel

A little get to know me…My ABC’s of travel

I love filling out surveys and doing get to know you activities…I always have! When I saw this on another travel blog I figured of course I had to do it! Since I have been traveling around the world ever since I can remember this survey seemed like a perfect fit for me! So here are my ABC’s of travel:

A. Age you went on your first international trip? My first international trip was to Paris, France when my dad (A pilot) had a layover there on Christmas. I believe I was 13 years old! Too young to be able to handle the jet lag but took in some amazing sights!

B. Best beer you have had abroad and where? Well can’t really say I am a beer drinker so I’m gonna go with another b Best breakfast you have had abroad! This would definitely have to be at the hotel in Santander, Spain last summer with my study abroad group! It was a pretty elaborate spread which included my favorite…fresh squeeze do it yourself orange juice machine! Always ate way too much food at that hotel!

C. Cuisine (Favorite): This is a tough one… I would definitely have to say Costa Rican cuisine is some of the best I have ever had. Rice and beans with every meal and arroz con pollo! So delicious and so simple! They also have some of the best fruit there!!

D.Destinations, favorite, least favorite and why? Hmmm…I think I would have to say my favorite destination would be Salamanca, Spain only because I left my heart there last summer. I really enjoy traveling anywhere in Spain though. Least favorite I would have to say was maybe Florence…not really what I was expecting and not the most exciting place.

Plaza Mayor, Salamanca…nothing like it anywhere!

E. Event you experienced abroad that made you say “wow”? This would definitely have to be last year’s New Years in Lucca, Italy. What an experience to celebrate the new year with a bunch of foreigners out in the freezing cold! Lot’s of American music to which you and your family are the only ones singing and dancing too. Not to mention popping a large bottle of champagne in the town square and celebrating the only way Italians know how! Quite the memorable experience!

F. Favorite mode of transportation? A car…what else is more practical and easy to use! I rely on my car to get me so many places in the United States. When traveling around Europe it is not so practical and easy to use or navigate but it is my favorite mode of transportation.

G. Greatest moment of traveling? That feeling I get whenever I am about to take off for a new place! Somewhere I have never been before, ready to explore and discover something new!

H. Hottest place you have traveled to? Back when I was young my family and I traveled to the Grand Canyon and did some hiking! Way too hot!!

I. Incredible service you received and where? Don’t think I can remember a time traveling abroad when I really got good customer service. Nothing as good as it is here in the US.

J. Journey that took the longest? This brings back bad memories of being stuck with my mom and sister in Munich, Germany trying to fly stand by home. We had to take a few detours and ended up spending New Years eve in a hotel in London passed out by 10pm. Made it home eventually but it was a horrible few days!

K. Keepsake from all your travels? Well before I was even aware of it my parents started collecting pins for from when they traveled places. Ever since I have collected a pin from every place I have ever been. It is pretty neat to look at them all and see all the vivid memories that flood back in my mind.

L. Let down site, where and why? I have to say seeing the leaning tower was a bit of a let down. It wasn’t nearly as grand as I was expecting it to be. Just a simple tower that happens to be leaning! I did enjoy taking the infamous picture next to it though!

M. Moment when you fell in love with traveling? This is a really difficult one because I have been traveling ever since I was very little! Parents instilled in me early the love for traveling and seeing new things! Something I will never take for granted!

N. Nicest hotel you’ve stayed in? It’s hard to remember a hotel that really sticks out as being the nicest! Maybe the hotel I stayed at in downtown Madrid last summer.

O: Obsession—what are you obsessed with taking pictures of while traveling? Oh this has got to be the easiest one yet! Definitely sunsets! I love a good sunset picture with a breathtaking view! I also love taking pictures of the scenery! I don’t really enjoy taking pictures of myself as much! I have also recently become obsessed with instagram! So taking pictures during my travels then posting them on there has become a fascination!

Beautiful sunset in Venice over the buildings!

P: Passport stamps, how many and from where? Couldn’t even tell you! I have had multiple passports and I have been to too many places to count!

Q: Quirkiest attraction you’ve visited and where? Ha this is a weird question… I have no idea! Maybe a Spanish wedding last summer? Not really an attraction but the craziest thing I’ve ever stumbled upon!

R: Recommended sight, event or experience: Wow way too many to choose one sight. Definitely the beautiful volcano in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. Another great one would have to be Cinque Terre, Italy…absolutely breath taking and would go back there in a heart beat!

Volcano in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

S: Splurge; something you have no problem forking over money for while traveling: Of course FOOD! But more specifically sweets (read: gelato, baked goods).

One of many gelatos…Lisboa

T: Touristy thing you’ve done: Nothing more touristy then walking around a place in Europe looking all American with a camera dangling from your neck!

U: Unforgettable travel memory: Well it encompasses many memories but my time living in Salamanca, Spain. It is an unforgettable memory that I think about constantly!


V: Visas, how many and for where? In the process of getting mine to live in Spain in the fall.

W: Wine, best glass of wine while traveling and where? Best wine was definitely in Italia! Love a good fruity light wine!

X: eXcellent view and from where? This past Christmas during our trip to Tuscany. Definitely Cinque Terre. Standing at the base of these incredible villages and imagining how something like it was ever built! Indescribable!

Just amazing…Cinque Terre, Italy

Y: Years spent traveling? Internationally…8 or 9 years.

Z: Zealous sports fans and where? Hard to say I have seen any more zealous sports fans that what we have here in the SEC with football. But Spain’s futbol fans are definitely up there!

Well that’s it! The ABC’s of all my travels I have done! Some of the best memories through life that I have!

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